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Note that this page is from our Gresley Rovers archive. It may not be related to the new Gresley Rovers (formerly Gresley FC until 2020).
Story posted: Thursday, 2nd September 1999

Lance Luckhurst leaves the club.
Lance Luckhurst, Gresley Rovers' Financial Director has resigned.
The club made a statement that Mr Luckhurst's decision to leave was because of illness within his family and increasing pressure of work.

Four years ago Lance was seen as an ideal replacement to Frank McArdle, and was instrumental in bringing Paul Futcher to Rovers. One of the highlights during his last four years was the winning of the Dr. Martins Premier League, although Lance now has mixed feelings.

He explained "There were many good things to come out of that season, but there was also a downside. I now believe that Gresley won the title too early for their own good." Lance will not be walking away and leaving the club in the lurch "The club's finances are in better shape than they have been for some time", he remarked.

The former financial director hopes to watch matches occasionally and believes he'll get a warm welcome. He says the remaining directors are good friends and he has many regrets about having to resign.
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