Gresley Rovers Homepage
Website sponsored by Gaskell Safety


Note that this page is from our archive during the time when the club was called Gresley FC. It may not be related to the old Gresley Rovers.
Story posted: Tuesday, 5th June 2018

Charity Game At The Moat
There is to be a charity football tournament on Saturday 7th July organsied by Callum Worker and it will be your chance to play on the Moat.
The cost is £10 per player entry. Games will be 30 minutes with a world cup style group format.

Some of Gresley's management team and directors have already signed up.

There will be a barbecue and the bar will be open. It will be £1 admission to watch.

Players to arrive from 11.00 am 30-minute games with 15 minutes each way.

To sign up contact Callum’s on 07854776003.

Money raised from the tournament is to be donated to the
Birmingham Children's Hospital who gave Callum's daughter lifesaving treatment.
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